Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Take Some Time ...

... you know, in today's world we don't take nearly the time we should to do things ... we don't think things through before we act ....

It's too easy to fire off an email or a text message these days, we don't think about any possible repercussions from our actions ...

So today, just once, think about what you're doing, think about how it will affect someone else and think about if this is something that can wait until later ...

Do this twice tomorrow, then three times the next day ... and so on ....

Oh, and sit down and write someone a thank you note for some little thing they have done for you ... write it with a pen and paper ... run down to the post office and mail it off ...

Remember, you never have any idea what someone else is going through ...

Memorial Day 2011

No folks, yesterday was not about the cookout and the beer.

Too many people have forgotten that yesterday was about fallen service members .... everything that you hold dear is because of them and because of those who have stepped up to take their place.

No matter what your political or philosophical stance, you owe the right to express that stance to them .... do the right thing, honor their memories .. and thank a veteran that has not gone on for their service today and everyday.

As for me, I think there is only one higher calling than serving your country, and to all those who have made that sacrifice, thank you ... we all know that only another service member can truly understand the sacrifice, but those who have not served can at least show their appreciation..

I miss you Dad.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

End of The World

Only 10 DAYS until the end of the world according to Harold Camping of Family Radio Worldwide, the Rapture will occur on 21 May, 2011.

Obama Immigration Nonsense

Well, one of the Presidents campaign promises was to pass immigration reform in his first year and he couldn't get it done even with a Democrat controlled House and Senate.

Now back on the campaign trail and pandering to folks who are not even supposed to be able to vote (illegal immigrants) he said the following.

"Finally, we have to demand responsibility from people living here illegally. They must be required to admit they broke the law. They should be required to register, pay their taxes, pay a fine, and learn English. They must get right with the law before they can get in line and earn their citizenship - not just because it is fair, not just because it will make it clear to those who might wish to come to America they must do so inside the bounds of the law, but because this is how we demonstrate that being - what being an American means."

Another fumble Mr. President, to be "fair" they need to go back to their country of origin and go through the entire process to come here legally and to do so from the end of the line.
Further, if they were convicted of any other crime while they were here they should be banned from citizenship and if they go back home, go through the proper channels to return here legally and then commit any offense that they are convicted of for the following 3 years of being admitted to the country legally that they be deported and not allowed to re-apply.

But this would cost you a few million illegal votes in the next election, wouldn't it ?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Congressional Action Plan

I have been contemplating writing this for about a year now, I really may have to do this thing.

Chapter List

1. Open letter from "We The People"
2. The Clean Bill Act
3. The Responsibility In Government Act
4. The Spending Limits Act

Just for starters ... I have many more chapters in mind and I intend to weed it down to 10 or 12 for the first writing ...

Of course it will never fly but what the heck !!

Obama to pander to illegals

Today Pres. Obama travels to Texas to campaign to illegal immigrants, knowing that he will need the illegal votes of illegal immigrants to have any hope of winning the next election.

I wonder what example he sets to his young daughters, if you have to cheat to win, then you didn't win.


Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I have to first complex !

IHTBFC is a serious condition that affects journalist and government officials in record numbers, take the newest round of "breaking" news that has been circulated since Sunday night.

Osama (Usama) Bin Laden is dead, he has been dead for a couple of days now, that's all we really know for sure, if we even know that. Many details about the raid have come out, mostly reported by people who have no idea what happened or how it happened.

All of this has been reported all in the name of IHTBFC, and then recanted and revised when actual facts come to light. Many times though, these new facts turn out to be more cases of IHTBFC rearing it's ugly head.

The main symptom of IHTBFC is the inability to fact check before you open your mouth or type on your keyboard.

Sunday night as I watched the news, the scroll across the bottom of the screen said that the raid took place a week earlier and that the news was just being released after DNA testing was complete. Later is was said that the operation had taken place only hours before. (Classic IHTBFC behaviour).

It has been said that UBL's wife was among the dead after being used as a rather ineffective human shield, now maybe she's only wounded and she may or may not have been used as a shield. UBL engaged the SEALS...or maybe he didn't (Also reported both ways !)

As a retired military guy I can speculate on what happened and how things came to pass. The fact is the only folks who can tell you what happened are not allowed to and of course, Bin Laden who is in no condition to report on the events.

The fact is that this was a covert military operation and we may never know the details and quite frankly, the details may be none of our business.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Oh Jeez, Alright ....

.... Osama (Usama) is dead .... I told you folks long ago that we would eventually get him, why did it take so long ... he's one guy hiding out in a population of a few billion ....

Good Riddance, now on to the rest of the whack cases out there.

Illegal Immigration in Indiana

We've been playing with this topic in Indiana for a number of years now, even before Arizona passed their law, now it may actually get passed here.

As usual, opponents decry the bill as an assault on all immigrants and say that it will lead to profiling.... bullpucky !!!

My wife and step-daughter are both immigrants, legal immigrants. As I've said before, allowing illegal immigration to go on, unchecked, is an insult to all of the folks who went through the process of coming here legally. Yes, it took a lot of time and a lot of money to do it right, yes there were ridiculous and redundant things that we had to go through to get it done, but the point is that the system works, yes it's flawed, but it does work.

Are illegal immigrants criminals, yes, they have broken the law, they have ignored the law. All because they couldn't be bothered by taking the time to go through the process to come here legally.
Once they get here, they generally continue to break whatever laws that it suits them to break, get a drivers license and insurance, why bother with that. Pay bills, why when I can just take a new name when collectors have caught up with the old one.

Like it or not, illegal immigration contributes to nearly every problem we have here in Indiana and doesn't contribute to any of the solutions.

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