Thursday, October 13, 2011


Just read a story about a lady getting stiffed by a customer on a tip. The customer is made out to be an ass and he may have been, but there is no word on whether the service sucked or not.

To all you wait staff, bartenders, delivery folks and all the others who normally get part of your living from tips.

I understand that the job you are in is not a great paying job in many cases, but you have to understand that the customer didn't make you take this job and that you are already getting paid to do the job. If you want a tip, then do your job right, the better you do your job the better your tip will be.

There will always be jerks who don't tip under any circumstance and treat you like crap, it's part of the job. There will always be people who tip a fixed amount no matter what the quality of the service, and there will be customers who tip based on how well you do your job and how much above and beyond the call of duty you go.

Deal with the reality of your job and just because someone else is a jerk doesn't mean you have to be !

The Harsh Realities Of Business

All ... quit your griping !

Business' are supposed to make a profit, that is why they exist, they are not evil because they do so.

To be in business you have cost's, material, equipment, staff, marketing, transportation, compliance with regulations and laws.... all of these and more cost a business money no matter how small or large.

Any cost that a business has is going to be passed on the the customers, or the business does not make a profit, if the business does not make a profit then it does not stay in business.

If you think a business is making too much money, then don't be a customer, it's fairly simple.

Go back to supporting small local business' for your needs, I know it may be a little difficult for you to go to an actual grocery store than one of the big "we have everything" box stores, but deal with it. WalMart was not a factor when I was a kid ! We got groceries at a grocery store, we got hardware at a hardware store, tires from a tire store, tune ups at a local garage, clothes from a clothing store and so on.

Oh and when you bitch about no jobs in America, then look at all the foreign made crap in your house that you have bought because it was a few bucks cheaper.

That is all.


Occupy Movement

I just read where the Occupy Movement folks are being asked to clear out of a park where they have been camping so that the park can be cleaned.

How about writing them up for littering and so on and then make them clean up the park and the area's they have been trashing. Does New York not have laws against littering, going to the bathroom in public, tresspassing on private property and so on ??

It amazes me still how much of a pass liberals get on everything they do and they still play the "poor little us" card at every turn !

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Everything Is NOT a Conspiracy

It amazes me how many people out there want to find some secret society or a behind the scenes plan to blame everything that they deem bad in the world on.

The New World Order
The Illuminati
The Knights Templar
The Freemasons
The Tea Party
The Democrats
The Republicans
The Rich
The Poor
The Whites
The Blacks
The Christians
The Muslims
The Gays
The Straights

Wow people, give it a break ! The facts are as follows, there are people in the world, many are out for only their own interests, many are out to try to improve things in the world based on their own perceptions and opinions.

Many will give you a helping hand when you need it and many will not hesitate to kick you when you're down !

Some of the groups you percieve to be a threat are not real ! Some of these groups are not as you believe them to be . . .

Do a little research people.

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