Friday, January 28, 2011

Don't Ask - Don't Tell

While I really don't give a flip about this one way or the other, I'm wondering about some of the mechanics of how this is going to work.

I retired from the military in 1995, I lived in the barracks several times over my career and one thing that was always certain was that the barracks was divided up male and female ... either in completely different buildings or buildings divided up along the sex lines... and never did a male and female share the same room.

Now I ask you, is it going to be fair that a unmarried heterosexual couple will not be allowed to share quarters while a homosexual couple could be allowed... or are we going to have four different types of barracks, straight males, straight females, homosexual males and homsexual females ?? Maybe it will just be a hedonistic free for all and you'll get to room with whoever you want to bang (or be banged by)!

Same thing applies to the showers and bathroom facilities in the general use areas of the base like the gym's and so on ....

Here's another few billion that we can spend to fix problems that were created by legislation !

Challenger - 25 Years Later

Today marks a terrible day 25 years ago, I was in the galley in Souda Bay Crete when I heard the news... but today all I hear are the words Christa McAuliffe uttered over and over again, the first teacher in space. It seems that the other members of the crew only get minimal mention.
It was an awful thing to be sure that Christa lost her life, but we also need to remember Mission Commander Dick Scobee, Pilot Michael Smith, Mission Specialists Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair and Payload Specialist Gregory Jarvis.
I could go on and on about this, but the fact is that seven great explorers met thier fate that day, it brought tears to many eyes then and it still does now, and here we are 25 years later watching the end of the greatest spacve program on the face of the planet and letting the future rest in the hands of others. How do you think the crew of STS-51-L would react to the news of the shuttle program being ended with nothing to replace it ?

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

111 th Congress is No More

Well it looks like the 112th Congress is now official, thank you Lord.

Did I hear right the other day, I thought I heard the new announcer say on my local radio station that the 111th Congress had added more to the national debt than the first 100 Congress' combined.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Fwd: MegaVote: IN 8th, 1/12/2009 presents:  M E G A V O T E  January 12, 2009  In this MegaVote for Indiana's 8th 
Congressional District:  
Recent Congressional Votes -  
* Senate: Cloture Motion; Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009  
* House: Paycheck Fairness Act  
* House: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009  
Upcoming Congressional Bills -  
* Senate: Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009  
* Senate: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009  
* House: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009  
* House: TARP Reform and Accountability Act  
Recent Senate Votes: 
Cloture Motion; Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 
Vote Passed (66-12, 20 Not Voting)  
The Senate reached the necessary sixty votes to move forward on this bill, which  is a package 
of over 160 bills related to public lands, national parks, and  water development legislation.
Sen. Richard Lugar voted  YES   send e-mail 
see bio (  
Sen. Evan Bayh voted  YES   
send e-mail (   
see bio (  
Recent House Votes: 
Paycheck Fairness Act 
Vote Passed (256-163, 14 Not Voting)  
On Friday, the House passed this bill to allow gender-based pay discrimination  victims to sue 
for more money and require employers to meet a higher standard to  justify pay disparities.  
Rep. Brad Ellsworth voted  YES   
send e-mail (   
see bio (  
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 
Vote Passed (247-171, 15 Not Voting)  
The House passed this employee pay discrimination measure that would allow  courts to consider 
each new paycheck as a new instance of discrimination.  
Rep. Brad Ellsworth voted  YES   
send e-mail (   
see bio (  
Upcoming Votes: 
Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 - S.22 The Senate is scheduled to vote on this 
public lands, national parks and water  development legislation.  Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act 
of 2009 - H.R.11 The Senate is expected to work on this gender-based pay discrimination bill or  
bring up their own version.  Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 - 
H.R.___ The House is scheduled to work on this bill to extend the Children's Health  Insurance 
Program.  TARP Reform and Accountability Act - H.R.384 The House will likely vote on this bill 
that would modify the Troubled Assets  Relief Program.  

Right to Carry In National Parks - Historical

Friday, January 09, 2009
In early December, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), through the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announced the final amended version of a change to rules on carrying firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. The change will restore the right of law-abiding gun owners to transport and carry concealed firearms for lawful purposes on most DOI lands, according to the laws of the states in which these public lands are located. 
The new rule, which takes effect today, allows Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges in states that recognize their permits. The new rule will also put an end to the patchwork of regulations that governed different lands managed by different federal agencies. In the past, Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service lands allowed the carrying of firearms, while lands managed by DOI did not. 
The change was obviously necessary, given the passage of Right-to-Carry laws in so many states over the past two decades. As expected, of course, anti-gun activists are adamantly opposed to the new rule, and are already seeking to block the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families while on DOI lands. 
Not surprisingly, the first to jump on the "banned" wagon was the anti-gun Brady Campaign, in a lawsuit filed against the DOI in federal court, seeking to have the new rule struck down.  The National Parks Conservation Association and the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees have also filed a similar suit. 
Brady contends that people have a right to visit parks without fear of permit-holders carrying guns. The contention is ludicrous, of course, since to get to a park requires people to travel through places where permit-holders abound, without posing any threat whatsoever. 
Using the same hyperbolic rhetoric and fear-mongering claims that are the mainstay of their anti-Right-to-Carry crusades, the Brady Campaign alleges that Right-to-Carry equals danger and violence, when countless studies and reams of data have repeatedly and consistently proved otherwise.  Remember, the new rule will extend only to law-abiding citizens who have met the strict safety and background check requirements necessary to acquire a carry permit, and who are legally allowed to carry in the state in which the park is located. 
Rest assured that NRA will do everything within its power to keep this important change on the books.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Birds and Fish Die in Arkansas

3000 Red Wing Blackbirds and 100,000 Drum have dropped dead in Arkansas, the Global Warming caused by the Bush administration has claimed more victims .... Sarah Palin is flying in from Alaska to shoot the dead fish ...

....more at 11, back to you Tom.

What is this ...

...still the ramblings of a fool .... do I really think anyone cares what my opinion is , no I really don't, think of this as venting !!!

Clean Up

4274 emails in my inbox when I started my cleanup....


2008 Gun Stuff Review - Historical Post

  • The District of Columbia files its brief in District of Columbia v. Heller.  Nearly two dozen briefs are filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by individuals and groups supporting D.C.'s bans on handguns, having a gun assembled within the home, and carrying a gun within the home. The U.S. Supreme Court schedules oral arguments in the District of Columbia v. Heller case for March 18th.
  • H.R. 4900 - the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act"-is introduced.  H.R. 4900 represents the NRA's latest efforts to pass legislation that will make it easier for lawful gun owners and dealers to comply with federal law and regulations, while ensuring that those who break the law are punished accordingly.
  • The District Columbia Court of Appeals finds that the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" (PLCAA) blocks lawsuits under D.C.'s "Strict Liability Act."
  • In his capacity as President of the United States Senate, Vice President Cheney signs on to the congressional amicus curiae brief affirming the individual rights view of the Second Amendment. Led by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), the bi-partisan majorities of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives  who sign the brief represent the largest number of co-signers of a congressional amicus brief in American history-55 members of the Senate and 250 members of the House co-signed this brief along with  Vice President Cheney.
  • After nearly five years of effort by NRA-ILA, the U.S. Department of the Interior responds to the many requests for a change in its policy on carrying and transporting firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges.  In a letter to the U.S. Senators who wrote him asking for this policy change, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne directs Lyle Laverty, Assistant Secretary for Fish, Game and Parks, to "develop and propose for public comment by April 30, Federal regulations that will update firearms policies on these lands to reflect existing Federal laws (such as those prohibiting weapons in Federal buildings) and the laws by which the host States govern transporting and carrying of firearms on their analogous public lands."
  • The "Grassroots Minute" video component is added to the Alert.
  • The Supreme Court hears the Heller case.  Most in the Supreme Court chamber seem to agree that the Second Amendment protects an individual right. The issues most in contention include the meaning of the words "keep" and "bear," and whether the amendment protects the possession of arms only during militia service or also for self-defense; whether a total ban on handguns is a "reasonable" regulation of firearms; whether restrictions on the right to arms should be subject to "strict scrutiny," or legislatures or courts should be able to decide what is "reasonable;" and what kinds of regulations would be "reasonable" under the Second Amendment.
  • To allow easily access and the ability to navigate through all of the detailed information we've compiled on District of Columbia v. Heller, NRA-ILA unveils a new webpage- contains related articles and the dozens of amicus briefs filed in the case. 
  • A Gallup poll finds that an overwhelming majority of the United States public-73%-believes that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of Americans to own firearms. 
  • The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) releases Ballistic Imaging, the report of a committee it assigned to evaluate the feasibility, accuracy, and technical capability of a possible national database of so-called "ballistic" images from all new guns sold in the United States. The committee considered dozens of factors, including the uniqueness of images, the ability of imaging systems to capture images, the odds against images in a database being matched with cartridge cases and/or bullets found at crime scenes, the fact that "there is a huge existing supply of weapons and ammunition that would not be entered into the database," and the fact that criminals can beat the system by using guns that do not leave brass at crime scenes, such as revolvers. The committee concludes, "A national reference ballistic image database should not be established." 
  • A sad day for American gun owners; on Saturday, April 5, Charlton Heston passes away.  With his passing, NRA loses a past President, dear friend, and fearless advocate, while America loses a great patriot and the Second Amendment, a faithful friend.  Two resolutions honoring Mr. Heston-H.Res. 1091 by Congressman Don Young (R-AK), and S.Res. 512 by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)-are introduced in the two houses of Congress.  
  • Another new feature is added to the Grassroots Alert- a weekly three-question poll that will help us better understand how our readers feel about current events, politics, and the direction of our cause and our country.  
  • Obama's hypocrisy continues.  Following on reports of his advocacy of a law to shut down gun shops, and his hollow attempt at reassuring pro-gun voters by telling them, "I have no intention of taking away folks' guns," Obama then tells the Pittsburgh Tribune "I am not in favor of concealed weapons," and that he favors ".reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure[s].."  A campaign "fact sheet" touts Obama's support for sportsmen, claiming Obama "greatly respects the constitutional rights of Americans to bear arms" (note the failure to say "keep" and bear arms).  But the "fine print" reads, "He also believes that the right is subject to reasonable and commonsense regulation." 
  • The faux "pro-gun" group, American Hunters & Shooters Association (AHSA) does what any pro-gun group would do (sarcasm intended)-they endorse Barack Obama-American's most anti-gun presidential candidate.
  • The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit delivers a major blow to New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg's lawsuit aimed at bankrupting the firearm industry, by ruling that the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" (PLCAA) of 2005 blocks the city's lawsuit against a host of gun makers and distributor.  Activist U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein announces he will allow New York City's lawsuit against Adventure Outdoors, a Georgia gun store, to continue.
  • 180 staunch, pro-gun patriots attend the NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop, held in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Louisville, Ky.
  • After reports in the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert, a North Carolina school district backs off a decision that prevented a group of young sportsmen and women from participating in the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Hunter Education Tournament.
  • On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirms, in a 5-4 decision, the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that the Second Amendment protects a pre-existing, private, individually-held Right to Keep Arms and to Bear Arms, without regard to a person's relationship to a militia!  
  • NRA files five lawsuits challenging local gun bans in San Francisco, and in Chicago and several of its suburbs.
  • A Pennsylvania court sides with NRA and issues a permanent restraining order against two of the city of Philadelphia's municipal gun control measures enacted in April.  The measures, banning so-called "assault weapons" and restricting handgun purchases to one per month, violate Pennsylvania's state preemption laws, passed by the state legislature to maintain uniformity of gun laws.
  • Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (D) signs NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" legislation into law to expand the self-defense rights of law-abiding citizens. 
  • The NRA-supported "Open Fields Initiative" language is inserted into the House and Senate passed 2008 Farm Bill.  The original bills, SB 1502 and HR 2473, made up the Voluntary Public Access and Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program to increase public access to private hunting grounds.
  • NRA-ILA unveils its new "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!" yard signs.   
  • In the wake of the  historic Supreme Court decision protecting an individual right to possess firearms, the town of Wilmette, Illinois repeals its handgun ban that has been on the books for almost 20 years.
  • Rather than closing the prescribed comment period as scheduled and moving  toward allowing law-abiding citizens to carry their legally-owned firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges, U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) and U.S. Representative Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), succeed in delaying the implementation of the final rule by bullying the Department of the Interior (their respective congressional subcommittees have oversight of national parks) to extend the deadline for comments an additional 30 days.
  • D.C.'s Mayor and City Council are sued again over the District's thinly veiled attempt to continue its restrictions on firearm ownership following the Heller ruling.  The Supreme Court explicitly articulated that handguns are constitutionally-protected, yet the District's Firearms Control Emergency Amendment Act of 2008 bans all semi-automatic handguns and requires any firearm in the home to be disassembled, unloaded, and secured by locking devices unless there is an "immediate" threat of violence, even for innocuous purposes such as cleaning. 
  • The "Second Amendment Enforcement Act" (H.R. 6691) is introduced.  This NRA-backed legislation is needed to enforce the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. The "Second Amendment Enforcement Act" seeks to repeal the District's ban on semi-automatic handguns; restore the right of self-defense by repealing the requirement that firearms be disassembled or secured with a trigger lock in the home; reform the current D.C. registration system that requires multiple visits to police headquarters, ballistics testing, passing a written test on D.C. gun laws, fingerprinting, and limiting registration to one handgun per 90 days; and, create a limited exemption to the federal ban on interstate handgun sales by allowing D.C. residents to purchase handguns in Virginia and Maryland.
  • The Village of Morton Grove, Illinois agrees to a stipulated dismissal of a NRA lawsuit challenging the village's gun ban.  A new town ordinance recognizes the right to private handgun ownership, bringing an end to NRA's lawsuit against the village.  Morton Grove completely repeals its ordinance banning handguns and agrees not to replace it with any direct regulation other than to adopt existing state laws.
  • AHSA makes the ridiculous argument that NRA is anti-hunting because NRA does not support the same candidates that Sierra Club and other environmental groups support.  The problem is, these groups rate candidates on their radical environmental record, not on their support for hunting or for gun owners' rights.  In fact, the politicians endorsed by the Sierra Club are a "Who's Who" of the most anti-gun politicians in American history.  Gun-ban advocates like Barack Obama, John Kerry, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Frank Lautenberg, Jack Reed, and Teddy Kennedy have all been endorsed by the Sierra Club.  Since Teddy Kennedy wants to ban almost all ammunition used by hunters in America, it is impossible to see how the Sierra Club is supporting hunters by endorsing him.
  • The U.S. House of Representatives votes to approve the NRA-backed "Second Amendment Enforcement Act" by an overwhelming bi-partisan vote of 266-152.
  • NRA-PVF launches a comprehensive and very informative Web serve as a resource for the facts on Barack Obama's anti-Second Amendment stance. 
  • The FBI releases its crime report for 2007 and, once again, gun control supporters take it on the chin.  "More guns means more crime?"  Only in anti-gunner "La-La Land."  Violent crime has fallen as the number of guns has increased 4.5 million a year.  There are more gun owners, owning more guns than ever before, and violent crime is lower than anytime since Gerald Ford became president!
  • A new study from researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Maryland finds "no evidence that gun shows lead to substantial increases in either gun homicides or suicides. In addition, tighter regulation of gun shows does not appear to reduce the number of firearm-related deaths." The study-"The Effect of Gun Shows on Gun-Related Deaths: Evidence from California and Texas" (
    )-compares gun deaths between 1994-2004 in two states with large numbers of gun shows annually:  California, which has the greatest restrictions on gun shows, and Texas, which has none. 
  • In an open letter to our nation's gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen, Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) Executive Director Richard Pearson, whose credentials include deep involvement in the firearm rights movement for more than 40 years, including serving as the chief lobbyist for the ISRA for the past 15 years, uses his personal experiences to highlight Barack Obama's true stance on the Second Amendment. 
  • The New Jersey Senate votes 32 to 6 to pass S802, legislation that authorizes bow hunting on Sundays during the respective deer season dates set by the State Fish and Game Code.
  • Pennsylvania's governor signs House Bill 1845 into effect.  HB1845 is an omnibus legislative package that contains a number of pro-gun provisions for Pennsylvania gun owners.  Among the provisions is an "Emergency Powers" reform measure prohibiting any government agency from confiscating firearms during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  Other important provisions include:  establishing the lawful carry of a concealed firearm in state parks; funding for the acclaimed "Don't Lie For The Other Guy" program administered by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF); and an emergency permitting system for concealed carry licenses for individuals who are under immediate threat. 
  • Barack Obama is elected President and immediately begins to disrespect gun owners with a number of staff appointments.  Potential Administration employees are asked, "Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun?  If so, provide complete ownership and registration information.  Has the registration ever lapsed?  Please also describe how and by whom it is used and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage." 
  • The extremist animal "rights" group, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) once again calls for a nationwide ban on lead ammunition, saying that studies by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the North Dakota Department of Health prove that game shot with lead ammunition poses a health threat to those who consume it.
  • The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), through the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announces the final amended version of its changes to rules on carrying of firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. DOI's move will restore the rights of law-abiding gun owners who wish to transport and carry firearms for lawful purposes on most DOI lands, and will make federal law consistent with the state law in which these public lands are located.  

Ammo Ban - Historical Post

Friday, December 12, 2008
Happy Holidays: Now dispose of all of your ammunition!  Every last round!  From now on, you will be able to buy only overpriced ammunition that will be registered to you in a government database.
Not yet--at least for now.  A small company, Ammunition Accountability--which wants to help anti-gunners price and regulate the Second Amendment out of existence, profit at the expense of our rights, or both--has found radical anti-gun legislators in 18 states willing to introduce bills pushing such nonsense.
But few anti-gun proposals are so overtly aimed at destroying the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  As we began noting on in January, so-called "encoded ammunition" or "serialized ammunition" bills would require ammunition manufacturers to engrave a serial number on the base of the bullet and the inside of the cartridge casing of each round of ammunition for popular sporting caliber center-fire rifles, all center-fire pistols, all .22 rimfire rifles and pistols, and all 12 gauge shotguns.  In all but one of the bills, people would be required to forfeit all personally owned non-"encoded" ammunition.  After a certain date, it would be illegal to possess non-"encoded" ammunition.  Reloading would be rendered illegal.
People would be required to separately register every box of "encoded ammunition" and the registration would be supplied to the police.  Each box of ammunition would have a unique serial number, thus a separate registration.  Gun owners would have to maintain records if they sell ammunition to anyone, including family members or friends.  The cost of ammunition would soar, for police and private citizens alike.  The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturing Institute estimates it would take three weeks to produce ammunition currently produced in a single day.  A tax of five cents a round would be imposed on private citizens, not only upon initial sale, but every time the ammunition changes hands thereafter.
And to what benefit in terms of fighting crime?  Criminals already steal guns and would certainly steal ammunition.  Burglaries would be encouraged.  Criminals could also use shotguns, which fire pellets too small to encode, and which use shell casings made of plastic, which would be difficult to engrave.  Criminals could also collect ammunition cases from shooting ranges, and reload them with molten lead bullets made without serial numbers.
Congress eliminated a handgun ammunition sale recordation requirement in 1983, because there was no law enforcement benefit.  Be on the lookout in your states in the next legislative session for anti-gun zealots who refuse to learn from history, plus continue their crusade against our Second Amendment rights.

National Parks Right to Carry Historical Post

Friday, December 05, 2008
The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), through the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, has announced the final amended version of its changes to rules on carrying of firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges.  DOI's move will restore the rights of law-abiding gun owners who wish to transport and carry firearms for lawful purposes on most DOI lands, and will make federal law consistent with the state law in which these public lands are located.  NRA led the effort to amend the existing policy regarding the carrying and transportation of firearms on these federal lands.
"Today's announcement by the U.S. Department of the Interior brings clarity and uniformity for law-abiding gun owners visiting our national parks," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox.  "We are pleased that the Interior Department recognizes the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families while enjoying America's National Parks and wildlife refuges."
DOI announced the rule change today and will publish the new regulations in the Federal Register.  The new regulations allow right-to-carry permit holders to exercise their Second Amendment rights on national park and wildlife refuges in those states that recognize such permits.  The move will provide consistency across our nation's federal lands and put an end to the patchwork of regulations that governed different lands managed by different federal agencies.  In the past, Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service lands allowed the carrying of firearms, while lands managed by DOI did not.
NRA has long held that amendments to those regulations were needed to reflect the changed legal situations with respect to state laws on carrying firearms.  Earlier this year, fifty-one U.S. Senators sent a strong bipartisan letter to the DOI supporting the move to make state firearms laws applicable to national park lands and refuges.
"These changes respect the Second Amendment rights of honest citizens as they enjoy our public lands," concluded Cox. "We applaud the Interior Department's efforts to amend these out of date regulations."

An Exchange in 2008

The following took place on Facebook, just proves the point of how liberals act.. I've edited some things to avoid easy identification..........and a couple of typos !


Posted a FB status...

KB …is wondering why the OBAMA supporters are so quiet now that it took less than 24 hours for him to start rethinking his campaign promises...!!

A comment ...
FF …Yeah...fear and racism are way better! Nice try.

Another FB status....

KB…is singing the praises of OBAMA - a whole brand new court system just for terrorist's that we get to pay for !!!

Two posts to my FB wall....


FF…You'd better...Indiana's a blue state now. Between that and fast time, the state's new motto should be: "Welcome to the 21st century!"

I noticed that I had been removed from my "friends" friend list ... so I sent him a message ...
KB…Why'd you remove me ??
FF…Because I have a bad habit of cutting ties with people I disagree with politically. It's not that I don't believe you have the right to express your freedom of speech...I just don't want to hear or see the obnoxious, predictable rhetoric that conservatives spew about people they don't even know. I loved working with you and XXX through Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. And, you guys were great neighbors. But, while living in Indiana, I basically had to mask the fact that I completely disagreed with 99% of the people I had to work and live with in Daviess County. I'm back home now. Sure they're Republicans out here, I just don't have to deal with them. If I kept you on as a friend and continued to read your comments, I was going to start a conversation that I was going to regret. I've done that too many times, and you were too good to us for me to let that happen. I apologize for not being able to simply read your comments and smile. That's not me. So, I decided to simple delete you. Please don't take it personally.
KB…I see ... I guess that goes back to the conservative argument that liberals are great ones to harp about tolerence as long as you agree with them....

We can still be friends if you choose....

I'm just curious to know what the feeling is on your side that it took the President-Elect less than 24 hours to start going back on his campaign promises ?

Btw...being deleted off the friend list by someone that you went to bat hard for (for a job) personal.
KB…Nuts ?
Some points for my friend .....
1. Maybe you can tell me what I said that was even remotely racist ....
2. Indiana has been a blue state before, it was a mistake then too ...
3. You did a poor job of masking your opinions while you were hear, my wife asked me several times if you were a Replublican and I told her definitly not ... too bad you didn't learn anything about us Hoosiers while you were in Indiana, we respect your views and will accept them as long as you don't get stupid about how you tell us our views are wrong ... eg... the racist comment you made above when I didn't post anything even remotely associated wioth race... oh and by the way, you don't know the President any better than the rest of us ...
4. I guess asking a question does make me "Nuts".

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