Thursday, October 13, 2011


Just read a story about a lady getting stiffed by a customer on a tip. The customer is made out to be an ass and he may have been, but there is no word on whether the service sucked or not.

To all you wait staff, bartenders, delivery folks and all the others who normally get part of your living from tips.

I understand that the job you are in is not a great paying job in many cases, but you have to understand that the customer didn't make you take this job and that you are already getting paid to do the job. If you want a tip, then do your job right, the better you do your job the better your tip will be.

There will always be jerks who don't tip under any circumstance and treat you like crap, it's part of the job. There will always be people who tip a fixed amount no matter what the quality of the service, and there will be customers who tip based on how well you do your job and how much above and beyond the call of duty you go.

Deal with the reality of your job and just because someone else is a jerk doesn't mean you have to be !


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