Monday, May 02, 2011

Illegal Immigration in Indiana

We've been playing with this topic in Indiana for a number of years now, even before Arizona passed their law, now it may actually get passed here.

As usual, opponents decry the bill as an assault on all immigrants and say that it will lead to profiling.... bullpucky !!!

My wife and step-daughter are both immigrants, legal immigrants. As I've said before, allowing illegal immigration to go on, unchecked, is an insult to all of the folks who went through the process of coming here legally. Yes, it took a lot of time and a lot of money to do it right, yes there were ridiculous and redundant things that we had to go through to get it done, but the point is that the system works, yes it's flawed, but it does work.

Are illegal immigrants criminals, yes, they have broken the law, they have ignored the law. All because they couldn't be bothered by taking the time to go through the process to come here legally.
Once they get here, they generally continue to break whatever laws that it suits them to break, get a drivers license and insurance, why bother with that. Pay bills, why when I can just take a new name when collectors have caught up with the old one.

Like it or not, illegal immigration contributes to nearly every problem we have here in Indiana and doesn't contribute to any of the solutions.


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