Fwd: Statehouse eUpdate
Oh look, my State Rep. is back to work and blocking things that Hoosiers want. I received this update on Friday.
I'll see if I can take time to go into details on each of these bills that Mr. Battles talks about, but like most conservatives I have a job that I just can't abandon to make a point.
I'll see if I can take time to go into details on each of these bills that Mr. Battles talks about, but like most conservatives I have a job that I just can't abandon to make a point.
Statehouse eUpdate from State Representative Kreg Battles
April 15, 2011
INDIANAPOLIS -- The 2011 session of the Indiana General Assembly will be over in two weeks.
The end cannot come soon enough for the people of Indiana.
In recent days, we have seen progress on a series of bills that I suspect will be hailed by
those in charge of the Legislature as being among this session's greatest accomplishments when
we finish our business on April 29.
As you shall see, I think it would be more accurate to say they are in the public's worst
Senate Bill 589 is pitched as one of this session's best job creation measures.
Considering that we still have close to 290,000 Hoosiers out of work--and that number itself is
lauded by some as a positive sign--it is good to see that those in charge of the Legislature
finally show some interest in creating jobs. But will it achieve that goal?
SB 589 proposes to put Hoosiers to work by cutting the state's corporate tax by nearly 25
percent. Will that inspire big corporations to hire more people or will it simply put more
money in the pockets of the shareholders who run these corporations? We shall see.
We do know that SB 589 gives those corporations a tax cut of close to $80 million. We also know
that Hoosier families are going to have to make up at least half the revenue lost because of
that tax cut. I leave it to you to decide who truly benefits from this legislation.
Senate Bill 575 is touted as a way to reform our schools.
In truth, it proposes to take the authority for critical decisions involving the salaries and
benefits for our teachers away from our local schools and into the hands of officials in
Indianapolis. It also removes the ability of classroom instructors to provide valuable input on
decisions affecting school safety, class sizes and other education reforms.
Thanks to your help, we did succeed in making changes to legislation (Senate Bill 473) that was
originally designed to give the governor unlimited authority to place tolls on new and existing
roads in Indiana. There was enough public outrage at this potential abuse of power that
even those in charge decided that changes had to be made. The governor will not be able to
convert an existing road into a toll road. However, the bill still gives the governor the
ability for the next 10 years to put tolls on new roads, as well as any new lanes on existing
roads. It also enables the governor to continue giving foreign investors the best shot at
taking control of any new toll roads. In other words, a bill that was completely bad is
only very bad. Any new road built through a public-private partnership over the next decade
still could be tolled, and you still would not have much of a chance to stop it.
Considering that these changes still must be approved in the Indiana Senate--where the idea of
giving the governor this absolute power over roads got its start--I would say there is a very
real risk that unlimited tolling still might become reality before the end of this session.
There was some positive news this week.
We did move quickly to pass legislation (Senate Bill 86) that will keep close to 12,000
out-of-work Hoosiers from being at risk of losing their unemployment insurance benefits. The
action was required to allow displaced workers to take advantage of a federal program that can
provide up to 13 weeks of benefits so these men and women can continue to support their
families while they look for work. This measure passed by strong bipartisan margins in
both the House and Senate. It is a shame there wasn't the same unity shown to strike down the
law passed earlier this session that will cut the average weekly unemployment benefits by 25
percent next year.
If you want to talk to me about any of the issues being debated in this session, you can call
the toll-free Statehouse telephone number of 1-800-382-9842, write to me in care of the Indiana
House of Representatives, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204, or email me at h64@in.gov>.
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Statehouse eUpdate from State Representative Kreg Battles
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