Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fantasy Island

Why is it that liberals all want to live on Fantasy Island, a land of Utopian bliss where everyone gets what they want, the land is unmarred by any sign of human existence and no one is expected to bear any personal responsibility for their choices in life ???

Problem #1. Unless we are all mind numbed robots who are perfectly programmed to have exactly the same goals, ideals and use exactly the same methods to get to those goals then someone is going to be unhappy .... the only way to achieve total agreement between all parties on everything is to have a world population of 1 ....

Problem #2. Even with the solution to problem 1 we cannot make the goal of no impact on our environment ... we do that by existing. Do I have a problem with "going green", NO, but be realistic, make the technology work and then persuade people to switch over to it, you can't mandate that we switch over and then make the technology work.

Problem #3. No personal responsibility is what has gotten us into this mess!!! Live with the fact that things do go wrong and it may be your fault. Take responsibility and don't spend all of your time finding someone else to blame for your choices.


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