Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Obama Immigration Nonsense

Well, one of the Presidents campaign promises was to pass immigration reform in his first year and he couldn't get it done even with a Democrat controlled House and Senate.

Now back on the campaign trail and pandering to folks who are not even supposed to be able to vote (illegal immigrants) he said the following.

"Finally, we have to demand responsibility from people living here illegally. They must be required to admit they broke the law. They should be required to register, pay their taxes, pay a fine, and learn English. They must get right with the law before they can get in line and earn their citizenship - not just because it is fair, not just because it will make it clear to those who might wish to come to America they must do so inside the bounds of the law, but because this is how we demonstrate that being - what being an American means."

Another fumble Mr. President, to be "fair" they need to go back to their country of origin and go through the entire process to come here legally and to do so from the end of the line.
Further, if they were convicted of any other crime while they were here they should be banned from citizenship and if they go back home, go through the proper channels to return here legally and then commit any offense that they are convicted of for the following 3 years of being admitted to the country legally that they be deported and not allowed to re-apply.

But this would cost you a few million illegal votes in the next election, wouldn't it ?


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