A couple of days after the meeting I spoke about in my earlier post I called into the NJROTC classroom and spoke to the NSI about the situation. We talked about a number of things which I told the NSI were off the record as far as I was concerned so I will not repeat them. However at the end of the call I asked if the SNSI was available and the was told that he was not, however the NSI agreed to pass my cell phone number onto the SNSI.
Ths SNSI called me later in the evening, I won't go into the entire phone call as it was lengthly, I will touch on some of the highlights.
SNSI: "You had a meeting in the dark of the night to get rid of me"
ME: "no, I asked the cadets to tell me what was going on so I would be prepared to talk to you the next morning"
SNSI: "all of this was your daughters fault, she could have stopped it at any time"
ME: "my daughter was not the only one who felt this way, when you seperated the cadets in your meeting the split was pretty close to even, I think there were 9 or 10 cadets on the side you disagreed with"
SNSI: "I couldn't believe your daughter would act that way - I'll tell you this could only be a product of the way she was raised"
***I didn't answer this, I think he was trying to make me mad***
SNSI: "I probably won't be allowed to continue here after this year"
SNSI: "you people don't want me here because I'm not from here"
ME: "that has nothing to do with this, I don't care where you're from and as far as I know, no one is trying to get rid of you" "In fact I think the Chief is the only instructor, that I can remember, who has ever actually been from here"
SNSI: "oh great - now I'm lost"
ME: "where are you"
SNSI" Loogootee - I just passed McDonalds"
ME:"where are you trying to go"
SNSI:"the high school"
***I gave him directions to get to the school from McDonalds***
SNSI:"Mr. Baxter, you have quite a reputation"
ME:"good or bad?"
SNSI: "well, it's just different"
ME:"how's that?"
SNSI" I was talking to Mr. Puckett today and (another cadet and his mother), he said that Mrs ______ was the least of my worries. I asked him what he meant and he said that Mr Baxter was like a pit bull, if he gets his teeth into you he won't let go"
ME: " I only go after things that are wrong"
SNSI: "well I have to go, I have a color guard to watch"
ME: "okay, Thanks for the call"
SNSI: " I'd like to ask you to do something for me, if you would"
ME: "What's that?"
SNSI: "Could you call MR. Puckett and tell him we've talked and that everythings alright"
ME: " I'll call Mr. Puckett and let him know we talked"
I did agree with the SNSI on several things this phone call: 1) the whole incident was blown out of proportion, 2) it all could have been avoided and that 3) it shold have never went as far as it did.
I later found out that the SNSI took that my agreement on these points to mean that I approved of how all of this was handled. (Not at all what I meant)
More to follow - there have been 2 more conversations between myself and the SNSI as of todays date.