Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Go Congressman West

We need more Congressmen like Allan West, not afraid to take it to the left !

I have several problems with this article written by Holly Bailey, from the title of the article it suggests that this was a "tirade" yet when you read the examples from the email it merely sounds like one Congressman telling another to behave in a professional manner.

Sounds like someone from Rep. Wasserman-Schultz's office wanted to make a private email public in the spirit of "I'm gonna tell !".

Grow up Rep. Wasserman, take your lumps, you're the one who decided to wait until Rep. West was no longer on the floor to defend himself to launch into your own attack, and then "leak" the email when it came to you.

Then she turns her attention to attempting to scare her constituents with the same old mantra of the GOP wants to take your medicare benefits, not admitting to the fact that the medicare system is the most broken health care insurance of all of the possible medical insurance systems that can be had !


P.S. Miss Bailey, try to be a journalist !


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