Monday, November 03, 2008

The Crosshairs Are Now On My Daughter

My daughter attends college here in Indiana, here is the note she found tucked under her windshield wiper a few days ago.....

Dear Sarah Palin Supporter,

I felt that as your peer I was obligated to imform you of all the sides of Republican candidate Sarah Palin, which demonstrate anything but "Girl Power." Sarah Palin has said that she would vote against legalized abortion (i.e overturn Roe vs. Wade) even in cases of rape and incest.

This would be a decision that would put many women's physical and mental health at stake, as well as take away their right to make their own informed choices. It would als limit healthcare providers' ability to assist women in potentially harmful situations.

Even if you personally would never choose to have to option of abortion, would you still want to be able to make that choice for yourself and not have someone else make it for you?

I greatly appreciate that you are planning to vote and think it's great that you have your opinion, but I would ask you to reconsider if Sarah Palin really represents "Girl Power."

Thank you, A concerned peer


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